Cancer Awareness: A Real Effort
When our founders had their first sisterhood get together, the 27 founders had realized that almost all of them had been connected to cancer in some way. Cancer is a disease that can happen to anyone. Any race, gender, or even age. This is the reason as to why they decided to build our philanthropy based on cancer awareness. Every year in the spring, across the nation, Kappa Phi Gamma Sorority, Inc. devotes a week to raise money for Cancer Awareness also known as C.A.R.E Week. During this week, we host a series worth of events in order to raise money for our local cancer organization and bring awareness to the idea of cancer.
Many of our sisters at Mu chapter have taken this week very seriously, because of how close the idea of cancer has touched them in one way or another.
Kappa Phi Gamma at USciences donates to Bite Me Cancer, as well as Bringing Hope Home.