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Chandni Vazirani

Chandni Vazirani

Line Information: Mu Lambda Alpha Gamma

Major/Minor: Pharmacy

Graduating Class: 2021

Ethnicity: Indian (Sindhi) 

Big Sister: Tarang Jain (Omicron)

Little Sister: Apeksha Tripathi

Interesting Fact: "I have a black belt in tae kwon do and I love carrots and ranch."

Reeya Bhavsar

Line Information: Mu Lambda Beta Gamma

Major/Minor: Pharmacy

Graduating Class: 2021

Ethnicity: Indian (Gujarati) 

Big Sister: Keren Poulose (Mu)

Little Sister: Ramya Rajesh (Upsilon)

Interesting Fact: "I love traveling and have been on a tour around Europe, China, and Dubai!."

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